Helen Keller once said, “Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.” We couldn’t agree more! KidSight volunteers are vital to our reach and essential to achieving our mission of preventing childhood vision loss. During National Volunteer Month, we want to highlight the amazing work that our volunteers are doing around the state.
From July 1 to December 31, 2019, KidSight volunteer teams screened over 15,000 children in 50 Missouri counties! This is an increase of 48% over the previous fiscal year. Thanks to our volunteer screeners, we are reaching more sites and, in turn, ensuring that more children receive a sight saving vision screening. Below is a list of our volunteer screeners that have been working so hard to make this possible:
Lions’ District M1:
Lion Joann Pruitt (Fort Leonard Wood Lions); Lion Glendon Sattler and Lion Scott Sattler (Perryville Lions)
Lions’ District M2:
Lions John and Rosa Berger (New Haven Lions)
Lions’ District M3:
Lion Roma Wonneman (Columbia Host Lions), Lori Kilfoil, Laurie Spate-Smith, and Sharon Keitel; Lion Jenny Alpers (Boonville Lions) and Lion Jene Crook (Marshall Lions); Lion Bob Noellsch, Lion Mary Jane Noellsch, and Lion Carol Deters (Bowling Green Lions); Lion Trish Callier and Lion Pat Porterfield (St. Charles Lions).
Lions’ District M4:
Lion Mike Hall, Lion Paul Myers, and Lion Sherri Runde (Grant City Lions); Lion Marion Hood (Kearney Lions); Lions Jeanine & Edward Montgomery (Maryville Pride Lions); and Lions Wayne and Susan Cunningham (Chillicothe Lions)
Lions’ District M5:
Lion Jene Crook (Marshall Lions) and Lion Jenny Alpers (Boonville Lions)
Lions’ District M6:
Lion Bob Crump (Seymour Lions); Lion Gerry Grummons (Forsyth Lions); and Lion Mark Shaeperkoetter (Owensville Lions)
Lions’ District M7:
Lion Billy Bonnot, Lion Janice Bonnot, Lion Dennis Gragg, Lion Roger Schwartze (Jefferson City Host Lions); Lion Judy LeBrell, Lion Susan Moran, and Lion DeAnn Els (Hermann Lions); Lion Mark Schaeperkoetter; (Owensville Lions); Lion Eva Cannon (Lake Ozark Lions)
We also have several individuals who will be completing their screener training in the upcoming months! This includes: Lion Dan Bernskoetter (Jefferson City Host Lions), Audy Freitag (New Haven Lions), Lions Charles Callier, Lion Lynn Sansone, Lion Rita Forte, Lion Craig Phillips and Lion Rita Knobbe (St. Charles Lions).
In addition to the screeners listed above, we have a network of over 100 Volunteer Assistants who ensure that each screening runs more smoothly. We are thankful for each and every individual that donates their time and resources to ensure kids in their community have healthy vision.
Are you interested in forming a KidSight volunteer screening team? We need your help to reach the children in your community! Email us at volunteer@kid-sight.org to get started.