Put a spotlight on your business as a KidSight talent show sponsor. This talent show is just for kids! Throughout the competition, our sponsors will be highlighted on our website, Facebook page and through our weekly email communications. Sponsor registration is open now through September 25th and the competition begins on October 1st. View our sponsorship packages below to get started!
Title Sponsor
- Sponsor logo prominently displayed on all website event pages; Exclusive industry representation in event; 5 second ad displaying logo on each talent video; One dedicated post on KidSight social media during the contest timeframe including a paid campaign targeted to your key audiences; Six dedicated posts on KidSight social media throughout the contest and voting periods; At least four social media stories featuring sponsor; Opportunity to provide a physical prize to each of the contest winners; Recognition as the Title Sponsor in KidSight’s quarterly e-newsletter.
Presenting Sponsor
- Sponsor’s logo prominently placed on all event web pages; At least 4 dedicated posts on KidSight social media throughout the event; Recognition as the Presenting Sponsor in KidSight’s quarterly enewsletter; Sponsor website or social media tag on all talent video descriptions on YouTube; Two stories featuring sponsor on social media; Opportunity to provide digital swag or online offer to all voters.
Leaderboard Sponsor
- Sponsor logo exclusively displayed on leaderboards during the event; 3 dedicated posts on KidSight social media during event; Sponsor website or social media tag on all talent video descriptions on YouTube; 1 story featuring sponsor on social media; Recognition in email updates sent throughout the event; Recognition as the Leaderboard Sponsor in KidSight’s quarterly eNewsletter.
Talent Sponsor
- Medium logo included on two event landing pages; Recognition in 2 event email updates sent to over 4,000 KidSight supporters; One dedicated post on KidSight social media throughout the competition; Up to six entries for company/organization talent to participate in event.
Show-Me Sponsor
- Small logo included on event home page on KidSight website; Logo included in one email communication to over 4,000 KidSight supporters; Four entries for company/organization talent to participate in event.
Friend of KidSight
- Small Logo included on event home page on KidSight website; Logo included in one Facebook post; 2 entries for company/organization talent to participate in event.